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5 benefits of lights-out automation of laser-cut sheet metal for manufacturers

We’ve been hearing questions from our manufacturing customers about lights-out automation—sometimes called a “dark factory.” What lights-out automation refers to is when an industrial process is carried out by technology to the point where human intervention is minimal or unnecessary. Like it sounds, it’s a reliance on automation over human workers to the extent the facility lights can be turned off.

While the positives for the company harnessing this advanced technology are clear—reduced labor and energy costs, fewer accidents, less scraps and waste—you as the customer also see benefits.

Here are five ways lights-out automation of laser cut sheet metal can benefit manufacturers:

1. Increased output and faster delivery

The ability for laser cutting of metal sheets to continue day and night without the need for rest, shift changes or other interruptions means quicker turnaround for customers. There is less risk of human error and accidents too. Overall, down time can be greatly reduced, allowing more opportunities for you to move forward and build what matters.  

2. Relaxed inventory requirements

Another advantage of reduced down time, faster delivery and improved availability is relaxed inventory requirements. When you know laser-cut sheet metal can be on site quicker than in the past, there’s less need for storage. And when a surprise happens, the entire process can kick into gear and you can get the custom sheet metal products you need, pronto.

3. Increased consistency

Lights-out automation allows for the same sheet metal fabrication process to be carried out uninterrupted and without the inconsistencies brought on by human intervention. It also clears the way for easily repeated orders, providing you remarkably consistent results time after time.

4. Less environmental impact

A “dark factory” has its sustainability advantages. Without human workers present, there’s less need for constant lighting or temperature control, easing electricity and heating and cooling costs. The consistent nature of automation in laser cutting of metal sheets also results in less scrap. Bottom line: you get what you need with minimal waste of energy and materials.

5. Peace of mind

Overall, this cutting-edge technology offers fewer surprises. And that’s a good thing. Interruptions caused by labor shortages, workers out sick or injured and other unexpected instances are greatly reduced. Quicker turnarounds and increased output also mean you can more easily make up time in the event of unexpected shortages. With the lights out, manufacturers can rest easy knowing what they need is what they’ll get.

Lights-out is the next-gen solution for sheet metal fabrication

When it comes to delivering world-class laser-cut sheet metal for modern manufacturing, companies wielding the power of lights-out automation separate themselves from the competition. That’s because can offer faster delivery, less inventory stress, improved consistency, environmental benefits and peace of mind throughout the process. Needless to say, lights-out automation leaves rivals in the dark.

Do you have a challenge that might be addressed through lights-out laser cutting?

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